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7 Ways to Get to Sleep Naturally

7 Ways to Get to Sleep Naturally

Dec 26th 2021

A proper sleep routine is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Getting a good night’s sleep means you’ll be more energized, productive and creative during the day, plus it boosts your immune system and health overall.

By creating a proper sleep routine, it will become easier to fall asleep each night, as well as get the suggested 7 to 8 hours of shut eye. It’s not only what you do at bedtime, it’s what you do throughout the day that contributes to good or poor sleep habits.

Take a look at 7 of the best ways to get to sleep naturally.

1. Sleep for at least 7 - 8 hours per night

Create a routine to ensure you get a good night’s sleep night after night. Get into the habit of sleeping for at least 7-8 hours so your body becomes accustomed to getting this much shut eye. Getting 7 to 8hours of sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle and diminishes your risk for things like diabetes and heart disease.  Studies show that receiving less than 7 hours of sleep per night can reduce your life expectancy by 9 years!  So ensure your get enough zzzzz'a on a regular base but make sure you do not exceed 8 hours.  Too much sleep can be bad for your health too.

2. Minimize or eliminate blue light after dark

Blue light from screens wreaks havoc on good sleep habits. Once it turns dark outside, do your best to minimize blue light from your phone, TV and laptop, and eliminate it completely at least an hour before going to bed. Blue light keeps your mind stimulated, so instead of binging on Netflix shows, read a book, or try some relaxing exercises or meditation.

3. Sleep in complete darkness 

Complete darkness makes it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. This means no digital clock light, no nightlight, and no light shining in when the sun rises. Invest in blackout curtains or a good sleep mask. Make it so dark in your room that you can’t even see your hand in front of your face!

4. Sleep with the temperature below 70 (68 is optimal)

There’s nothing worse than feeling like it’s too hot in your bed. This can lead to sleeplessness and waking up in the middle of the night. Turn the temperature below 70 for optimal melatonin production. You’ll be able to get a great night’s sleep, plus you save on your heating bill!

5. Be in bed before 11 PM if possible 

Going back to creating an effective sleep routine, train your body to get to sleep by 11 PM. This allows you to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep and  be up by 6 or 7 am to start your day. A 11 PM sleep time gives you time to relax, get together with friends, or have dinner with your family after work. Make it part of your day-to-day routine and it will become intuitive.

6. Avoid caffeine after 1 p.m.

Whether it’s in the form of green tea, a latte or a bottle of coke, avoiding caffeine after 1 p.m. will help you get to sleep at a reasonable hour. Since caffeine can stay in your system for up to 10 hours, you don’t want to enhance those jitters when you’re trying to hit the sack.

7. Drink chamomile tea or other relaxing drink to help fall asleep

A cup of herbal tea can do wonders for a good night’s sleep. Chamomile is a mild-flavoured, sleep-inducing tea that relaxes and calms the body. Drinking some before you go to bed promotes a healthy sleep cycle. Other relaxing drinks include cherry juice, which is rich in melatonin, and peppermint tea. On the flip side, avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks if you want a proper night’s rest.

Do you have any more tips to get to sleep naturally? We’d love to hear them!