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3 Reasons Why We Dream

3 Reasons Why We Dream

Dec 26th 2021

There are many ideas behind why we dream, and while the real reason we dream is not fully understood, there are some theories that just make sense.

Our minds go through a lot on a daily basis. We’re constantly processing new things, making and recovering memories, and taking in an abundance of information. Our brain works 24/7 to produce and release hormones, control our muscles, solve problems and so much more.

And it doesn’t turn off while we sleep. We dream most vividly during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when our brains are most active. It’s when we dream that our brain creates new associations and produces information.

If you’re wondering why you dream about the things you do, read on to get some insight! 1.It’s How We Process Our Days, Thoughts and Fears

Do you ever notice that your close friends and family members are always popping up in your dreams?  How about locations you frequent and activities you do on a regular basis? That’s because dreams help us take in our days and organize information in our heads. They help us analyse and explain things that have happened in our daily lives and make sense of our thoughts and experiences.

They can also help us process our fears. Hidden problems and worries in our waking lives are often prevalent in our dreaming lives as well. This can act as a wake-up call to figure out how to deal with and resolve these fears.

  1. It Stimulates Memory

Dreams can help refine and stimulate memories that aren’t so clear to us when we’re awake. The more vivid your dreams, the better you’re able to recall and make sense of information. The stronger the memories you’re able to form when you dream, the more you’ll be able to remember and link information together when you’re awake.

  1. It’s Traced to Our Daily Routines

Everything from what we eat to what we watch right before bed can affect our dreams. Anything that affects brain chemistry (such as food), can also affect how and what we dream about. And if you’re partial to watching scary TV shows before bed, you’re more likely to have nightmares. What we do right before we hit the sack affects how we dream, so you may want to stick to something happy and light.

What do you think about these reasons behind dreaming? Do they fall in line with what you dream about?